How to register for the delivery of freight units (vehicle)
Delivery of/entering with freight units/vehicles which are transported by AS Tallink Grupp (VEHICLES WITHOUT DRIVER) to the territory of the Old City Harbour (Port of Tallinn), D-Terminal:
1. A vehicle entering the port’s territory, must have a prior to arrival, a pre-existing booking made via Tallink Cargo Check-in (E-mail:, Phone: +372 612 8686).
1. Prior to arrival in the port, the Receiver/Owner of the freight unit (vehicle) is required to e-mail us at: with the following information:
- name of the Receiver/Owner of the freight unit (vehicle) company/name of sender
- full name (first name(s) and surname) of the driver delivering the vehicle, driver’s personal ID-code;
- registration number of the vehicle.
2. To enter the territory of Port of Tallinn (Old City Harbour) D-terminal
Vehicles can enter the D-terminal territory via the authorised entry gate: „Ametikäik nr 1 / Trailers / Cargo Service “, located next to the Cargo Check-in. Provided the vehicle’s registration number has been pre-registered according to regulation (see section No 1 above), the gate opens automatically.

3. Receiver/Owner of the freight unit (vehicle) to be transported is responsible to deliver and give the freight units/vehicle over for transport to the Cargo Service operator of TLG Stividor OÜ, who will, provide an inspection act for the freight unit/vehicle.
Should the freight unit/vehicle require any special skill for starting up the engine or for operating the vehicle, the Receiver/Owner of the freight unit (vehicle) is required to provide a written instruction to accompany the vehicle in the language which is used by stevedores in ports of Helsinki/Stockholm, who are responsible for unloading the freight unit/vehicle.
Cargo Service opening hours:
Monday–Friday 7.30–21.00
Saturdays 9.00–17.00
Sundays 10.00–21.00
Mobile (GSM) +372 516 4376
Freight unit/vehicle must be delivered to the port (Cargo Service) at least 2 hours prior to departure time.